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Curious? Our Sleep Specialists are just a call away.

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The guards of great sleep.

Mattress Protector
From  $109 
Available in 6 sizes
QuickCool™ Mattress Protector
From  $127 $149
Available in 6 sizes
Pillow Protectors
From  $70 
Standard or King
QuickCool™ Pillow Protectors
From  $76 $89
Standard or King

Thoughtful details, only from Casper.

Stain-free. Worry-free.

Our water-resistant and waterproof finishes help keep stains out, so you stay comfy.

A perfect fit

Made with active stretch fabric, our mattress protectors perfectly hug any mattress up to 16 in deep.

Feels barely there

Quiet materials keep your mattress looking brand new without sacrificing the feel.

Frequently asked questions

Casper Canada
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